Friday, September 7, 2012

Eyvind Earle

Eyvind Earle certainly had a unique perspective of the world. Born in 1916, he had his first solo show of watercolors when he was 14, and continued to his express his creative visions in a variety of mediums until his death in 2000 at age 84. His experimental graphic style enhanced Disney Studios animated films in the 1950's. When asked about his art, he stated that his influences were all the art he liked - "the Oriental, the Gothic, the Persian in it, as well as the moderns like Van Gogh". He lived by the Chinese saying, "Never put anything down on canvas until a year after you see it -- so that all you paint is the memory of it". I like the fact that he remembered cattle as being rectangles and trees as ovals, and long shadows lent a certain mystery to the landscape in his mind. Images are courtesy his website, where you can read more about Mr. Earle:

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